Friday, August 18, 2006

Mobile madness!

I keep little notes in my mobile phone. I used to have a tiny sketchbook where I would jot down random stuff, but that has since been filled up and I've never gotten 'round to buying a new one. So instead, my random musings clog up my Nokia. It's gotten to the point where I'm having to delete old notes to fit in the new ones.

So, in the spirit of posterity, I'm gonna archive all my notes here. A quick word of warning, though, some of these were done while highly intoxicated. I honestly have absolutely no idea what some of them mean.

Some of youse will find this interesting, some of youse will not. No one knows for sure.

I choose to begin the archiving...

Family friends.

Johnny Mutt is Al Bundy.

Hare Krishna as the bad guys.

No poetry. Now that I've gotten that out of the way.

Where are they now? Captain Planet.

Gregory Crewdson

Guide to eating Pringles.

Guaranteed entry. Just put your name on the dotted line. J-Lo. I know I'm fucked but I still keeps it real. I could but I can't. I am fucked as a mallard.

Balki's cool.

Yamaka with Swastika.

Interview Leon from the future.


Bunsen burner / tidy little earner

End monkey story with him looking up at stars.

The Reflector

Harry Steven Keeler

Guy doing something important on the porch at night. Has to keep waving to keep motion sensor light on.

Pull your pants down and your socks up.

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