Friday, February 29, 2008


Seems like I've been updating this thing less and less often, which is a real shame. I've gotta get back into the habit of drawing just for me. Everything I've been doing lately has been work related, which is good, in a way, as it means I'm actually getting work. But my work morale is suffering a bit from the lack of personal projects. I might implement some kind of daily sketch thing starting Monday. Or I might not. We'll see.

Here's a sketch for an educational text I'm working on:

And here's the completed Lucy's Crown poster:

The band has been in the studio recording their first EP and they want to use my poster art for the cover, which is pretty sweet.

Finished work on the Sammy J job. I went to the first performance the other night. It was a secret show for family, friends and industry peoples. It was completely kick-ass. Seriously, if you're in Melbourne during the Comedy Festival, or Adelaide during the Adelaide Fringe Festival, you must check out the show: Sammy J in the Forest of Dreams.

Peace out, homeslices.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Sammy J in the Forest of Dreams poster and more work...

Hey readers. Here's the poster I finished today for Sammy J's comedy festival show (click it to enlarge).

Had a great deal of fun working on this and the shadow puppet stuff (which is still in progress). It was probably the most satisfying and gratifying job of my fledgling career. And I wasn't even very well-paid for it!

The next couple of months are looking to be fairly busy. Apart from finishing up the work for the Sammy J show, I'm starting work on some illustrations for a design firm up north. They're putting together an interactive website for a mining company (as far as I can tell - it's still early days and I don't have the full project details yet). The illustrations are going to be animated, which is pretty exciting.

The other job I got is through a local design firm putting together a picture book for Yarra Valley Water, who provide water and sewage systems to a large chunk of Melbourne. The book is to educate kids on the basics of the water cycle. It's going to be printed in large format (1 metre!) for classroom reading. I'm planning on learning Adobe Illustrator for this job, something that I've been putting off doing for months, but it's finally becoming a necessity, so I guess I'd better knuckle down!

So yeah, looks like 2008 is fast picking up speed!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Illustrating Fables and Rhymes - Part 2

Here's the second and final part of the Fables and Rhymes essay posted by DB Dowd. Some more great examples in this part.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Illustrating Fables and Rhymes

DB Dowd posted some great insights into illustrating a fable or rhyme, with particular attention paid to "what we leave in and what we leave out" (economical composition) to achieve a focus on the narrative. He uses some great examples as well. Highly recommended reading if you're interested in this kinda thing.

Friday, February 01, 2008

You can almost taste the graphite.

Did these using some sweet Photoshop brushes I found via Cedric Hohnstadt's blog.