Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Life in Pink

I don't think I ever posted this here, although I did post it on my uni blog.

THIS was my final piece for last semester's "Digital Image" class. It's an interactive thingy. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. You need Shockwave to see it. If you don't have Shockwave, download that sumbitch.

Also, remember to VOTE 5 and $ on my Threadless submission. There's only a couple days left 'til the voting closes... so DO IT NOW. *fuss fuss fuss* Thanks to those who already did. You're my boon companions.

My Threadless.com Submission

Keep it physically retarded you spastic fucks.


lucyrogue said...

I am offended by your use of the word spaz.
My beautiful boyfriend is 'physically retarded'(the politically correct term) and has spent his entire life trying to make people understand that 'physically retarded'people have feelings too, even if they can't talk to make them known to you.
Please change your terminology to something more appropriate post haste or I will have to stop subscribing to your blog.
One idea could be: 'Keep it physically retarded-ly'.
Yours litigiously,

Joe said...

I have edited my post in accordance with your post. Please don't hesitate to bring further matters of political incorrectness to my knowledge.

Physically retarded,
