Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Christmas 2006

Did this for a Christmas lunch poster for my church. Click on the image for a wallpaper-sized version.


Anonymous said...

Great pic, but where's the booze?

Joe said...

The two little drunk elves polished it off.

Joe said...

Aw, thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful poster.
Would you be generous enough to allow me to put some words on it and use it for a similar (non-commercial)occasion?

Joe said...

Hi Kathryn,

Sure, go ahead! As long as it's not-for-profit I'd be happy for you to use the image. But I would appreciate it if you put a little "by-line" in there somewhere saying:

Art by Joe Sciglitano - www.neapolitan500.com

That would be super! What's the organisation if you don't mind me asking?

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much, Joe. I will certainly include your information.
It is for the Christmas Lunch for the students and staff of the School of Divinity of Edinburgh University in Scotland.
We have only about 450 students some of whom are training for the ministry. The poster will only be displayed in our small building, (not over the whole of the University).

Joe said...

Hi Kathryn,

Sounds great! For your convenience, here's a high-res version of the poster that you can edit to suit your needs:


Hope the lunch goes well. Have a great Christmas!