Monday, October 09, 2006

Be careful who you illustrate for.

This post isn't about me. It's about my good friend Steve who is a kick-ass illustrator and all-round awesome guy.

Recently he got a job to illustrate a book cover. He did an amazing job, as usual, but something went horribly wrong.

Here's the finished illustration as he submitted it to the client:

Amazing, isn't it? Here's what happened when they sent him back the cover with the text included (author's name obscured to protect his boring identidy):

What in the sweet name of Mother Teresa happened here? I nearly lost my mind when I saw this. Apparently, the client suddenly decided that they wanted a more "abstract" and "obscure" look for the cover (which the job brief spoke nothing of). So to accomplish this look, they took his illustration, added some half-assed Photoshop filters and called it a day.

Steve also created this awesome alternative image as well:

They have yet to pay Steve for the work he did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It`s sad how some people simply cannot appreciate a quality work.
The one with the amateur filters looks rather pathetic next to the other two.